In Saguenay, in the heart of what used to be the city of Chicoutimi, the small houses have become a...
During the evenings since July 2016, Zoo Sauvage de St-Félicien in Lac-Saint-Jean transforms into a spectacular outdoor scene infused with sound and light along the Anima Lumina trail. One evening, a young boy who could communicate with animals, followed the moon into the night and along his trail (and yours), he spoke with many different species that crossed his path. You're at forefront of exclusive encounters in which nature comes to life in a unique and incredible fashion. Surrounded by the shadows and howls of the creatures of the night with multimedia presentations animating the many colours of the boreal forest. Moonlight illuminates the path within a mysterious and magical atmosphere. Anima Lumina is for everyone of all ages, a perfect activity for families, nature enthusiasts and those with poetry in their hearts.
This is a small portrait of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Why are we called «The Giants» or «The Blueberries»? And how can we...
Lumber History: Colonization and commercialization of wood 1842 – 1890 A new vocation for the region with the Hudson Bay...
A fjord is created in a glacially carved valley that is filled by rising sea water levels. The Saguenay fjord results...
The following french expressions are an integral part of our everyday language. They are often so embedded that we have...
Definitions of Words of Native Origin The following is a list of words of native origin. You will find in...
Along the way to Charlevoix and the Côte-Nord, overflowing with beauty from the Saguenay Fjord that meanders throughout the...
Visiting the historical village of Val-Jalbert is a trip back to the days when people in the company town...
Before diving into the Saguenay Fjord to Lac Saint-Jean, you’ll come to the City of Saguenay, with almost 150,000...
“Lake Saint-Jean is a true paradise; it is the best-ever in-ground swimming pool” Lyrics of the song “Lac-Saint-Jeanpignon magik” by Ouanani....
Here’s an introduction to the economic industry of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Which industrial sectors are overlooking our economy in the regions? And what...